Fellas, it's time to listen up. We adore you, and want good things for your love life, so we did you a favor. We listed eight adorable ways you can say 'I love you' to your significant other. These are the ways we wish you could communicate with us non-verbally, and are guaranteed to let your honey know how you feel. You. Are. Welcome.
This move is highly underrated. When executed properly, it is sweet and intimate.
While girls love a real conversation, we are also very appreciative of a sweet text (with proper spelling and grammar!) during the middle of a busy day, just to let us know we're on your mind. Want bonus points? Text us goodnight.
Official Introductions
When we're out and about, and we run into someone you know, there is nothing better than hearing you introduce us as your girlfriend (provided we are both at that stage in the relationship. Yes, it's a tricky one).
Admiration of Our Quirks
Everyone is weird in their own way, and we really like to know that you love our particular quirks. So don't be afraid, guys! Tell your lady that you adore the way she dances, or sings to herself or thinks about the world.
Cook for Us
Oh me, oh my, do we ever love it when you cook for us! Or even when we cook together. It's all gold.
We don't need you to show your soft side to the whole world. In fact, sometimes it's better when we know we are the only ones who get to see that part of you. But don't be afraid to be emotionally intimate and vulnerable with your honey.
Being True To His Word
We love it when a guy lives by his word and actually does what he says he will, on big issues and small ones. It's a sign of respect and admiration when you come through for us
Bring Us Chocolate
No, I'm totally serious. We polled the girls in the office, and they all said that this standby is ALWAYS a solid bet. And we will totally share with you, so everyone