By Robert K James
?Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife,? said Franz Schubert. Well, by the end of 2017, Dastan was the happier man having found a lovely wife in his friend Suzan.
A successful pre-wedding photo shoot that took place at Royal Suites set everything in motion for the big day. The youthful couple exchanged vows at St. Andrew?s Church Bukoto on 2nd December 2017. After promising to stay true to one another through thick and thin, in good health and in sickness, for richer or for poor, the two lovebirds drove off to Serena Hotel, Kampala for their wedding photo shoot with Play Motions.
Dastan and Suzan then later on hosted their invited guests at Nsambya Gardens where Henhar Services has raised their nice tents while SUKI Events beautified the reception with some brilliant decorations.
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