This is one of those beautiful stories you just want to have a sit down and ‘cuppa’ moment. Trust me! it deserves your full attention. Does stories like this ever exist? This is what we live for isn’t it? True love. Ahhh!! Chris and Lizzy’s beautiful love story captured by Karizma Events Photographer gives hope that they are definitely sincere, men of God out there who would genuinley accept you and love you for who you are. Her health challenge was nothing to this relationship. These words below gave me chills.
If this ain’t true love of 1 corinthians 13, then I don’t know what this is!
A big congrats to Lizzy for finally seeing herself as the wife-to-be of Amen. Babes’s got no chill (LOL) But we love this duo already. Big thumbs up to Amen for being true all the way . We appreciate guys like you! Keep being real.
Let the happy days begin!!