Kyamagero Weds Linda In a Civil Wedding, Online In-laws Not Happy

We would be lying if we said that we saw it coming. When the president of the Omuntu Wawansi, Comrade Andrew Kyamagero promised us a wedding in the aftermath of his introduction ceremony with Ndagire Linda, no one thought it would be a civil white wedding that would seal the deal.

We can tell from social media reactions that even the online in-laws didn’t see it coming either. And it’s for that very reason that they were not happy. For some reason, everyone thought it would be a church wedding where they would see their comrade and the beautiful Linda exchange vows, just like it was for Andrew Kabuura and Flavia Tumusiime.

Well, that wasn’t case. It was different and beautiful?and the choice if I may add. It happened in the middle of the week on Wednesday 15th May 2019, with Faridah Nakazibwe as one of the witnesses.

Photos by: Nicholas Bamulanzeki

Andrew Kyamagero weds Linda, Reception was at



Robert K James: Your story teller. A writer by passion and an I.T personnel by profession. Reach me 0703379359