Fascinating Moments From Judith Babirye?s Introduction Ceremony

By Robert K James

It was all gilts and glamour as Buikwe District Woman Member of Parliament cum gospel music star Judith Babirye introduced her significant other Paul Musoke Ssebulime, the MP for Buikwe South to her parents, relatives, loved ones and friends on Saturday (28th July 2018).

Unlike what we are used to culturally, for reasons best known to her, the legislator introduced Paul at Country Lake Resort Hotel in Garuga and not at her parents? home like the norm always is.

The wonderful and successful function was attended by many public figures that included fellow members of parliament, notable figures like Frank Gashumba, media personalities like Douglas Lwanga among many others.

Mikolo now brings you some of the photo moments as captured by Ronnie Bob of Ronnie Bob Photography and Nsimbi David of Genesis Mediaz.



Robert K James: Your story teller. A writer by passion and an I.T personnel by profession. Reach me 0703379359