Opinion poll: I Have Never Experienced The Big O. Who Is To Blame?

I have never reached the big O. And who is to blame?

This question has been a point of concern from the time of yore. And biting about it almost gravitates to the ?what came first, the chicken or the egg? direction. It keeps going round and round in circles. But, sex is about two. Who is to blame? Why do some women reach the Promised Land and others/most die in the desert? We run a little poll and this is what the ladies had to say,

Priscilla: Men of today watch porn. A man gets on to you for the job and wants to treat you like a porn star. It?s annoying and painful. In the end you just want him to come and get the f#%^K off!

Becky: It depends on the guys? machine. My ex had a bigger weapon and ya. I used to climax. Which is not the case currently why my Y. The bigger the better.

Hope: What is an orgasm?

Sylvia: Dry wallets.

Debby: I think it?s about understanding. Both of you are supposed to agree before going into the act. Otherwise if it?s one sided the other person gets to have fun while the other will never ever get to that climax without getting into the mood first.

Charity: Positions matter.But i think size is the real deal.

Dorothy: Size doesnt matter, its the skill. Some men have small wiwiz but know how to use them.I think its the skill.

Cathy: No idea her, just following.

Diana: When we have enough foreplay, i often get there.But when we don’t it’s just “potea!”

Sue: When he wears a condom, nothing happens.

Clair:30 now, never had one.(Inserts shy monkey emoji)

Why might some women never orgasm?

Attitudes regarding sex, sexuality and gender vary greatly between different cultures and religions. Certain sexual practices, traditions and taboos are passed down through generations, leaving little to the cause of female pleasure or imagination.

For some women, finding and/or enjoying sexual intimacy and sex is difficult, if not impossible. Research suggests that 43% of women report some degree of difficulty and 12% attribute their sexual difficulties to personal distress. Unfortunately, sexual problems worsen with age, peaking in women 45 to 64.

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