Exclusive Photos: Mama Fiina Finally weds Hubby!

Renowned traditional herbalist Sylvia Namutebi aka Mama Fiina has officially rubbed the name widow off her sleeve. Mama Fiina was yesterday officially wedded by Hajji Ismail Ssegujja, a Ugandan businessman based in the United Kingdom. The wedding, which was highly private, took place at Kibuli Mosque, where they were united in the Islamic matrimonial ceremony known as Nikha.

 At the wedding It is revealed that Hajji Ssegujja gave Mama Fiina Amahare (dowry) of 4000 Pound Sterling, approximately Shs19,192,000. Though some critics claim that she,owing to the fact that she is wealthy funded this sum and hence “married the man.” (But that is none of our business)

However, this is Mama Fiina’s  third wedding, the second one having been with her deceased husband Maj. Mohammad Kiggundu, whom she married in 2015 at the Kibuli mosque.But before marrying Maj. Kiggundu, Mama Fiina had been married to Hajji Ismail Ssekidde with whom she has grown up children.

Nevertheless, team mikolo congratulates you mama Fiina and Hajji Sseguja upon your union. May your marriage be filled with bliss and only bliss……..





