Must See-Irene And Brians Heavenly Wedding Decor!

Apart from the happiness the couple flaunted on their special day, one thing would not go unnoticed. It would be a felony if you talked about the wedding and left out this one special aspect. This one aspect was the décor! It’s one thing setting trends and it’s another coining creative concepts that people have no clue of even how to start mimicking your art. This is what these guys did on this particular occasion.

For starters, these chaps pulled off a near heavenly concept for the bridal area. What captured our minds was how they came up with this idea in the first place. (So brilliant!) But all we know is that they wanted to give a heavenly illusion. So they playful used white and yellow balloons to form a backdrop then some creatively designed angel wings then posh white and gold chairs. They then threw in a dash of red roses to tone down the white and yellow a bit. Then for the other guest tents it was purely a white and gold ensemble, with dashes of red roses here and there. It was quite the spectacle, remarkable, tremendous, impeccable just good work! Big ups suki for the job well done. See for yourself here

Do you want décor like this, feel free to check out the suki outfit destination profile here on mikolo!


