“I Didn’t Know He Could Dance”! Liz Introduces Tom In A Fun Filled Ceremony.

Photo credit: Onyx Pictures Ug

The day finally arrived. The much anticipated day they’d been planning for close to 5 months. Elizabeth was taking her fiancé Tom, for an official introduction to her parents. The type called Kuhingira in her roots. And they might have had tension before the event. But when the fateful day arrived, they just mellowed in. The stress disappeared in the thin air when they gazed at each other from across the tents. She with an entourage of sisters. And he, seated majestically on his throne; the in-law of the home. The bride’s groom to-be, so to say. It was not long before the fun started. After a few of those laborious cultural rituals, the real-fun ship set sail.

Liz, looking mesmerizingly gorgeous in her Mushanana probably thought Tom didn’t have the moves. So she thought it was going to be an easy win. But she was in for a surprise. When Tom, clad in a navy blue suit over a white Kanzu stepped onto the make-shift dance floor, he became quite the muse. He and his counterpart showed off the famous ‘Kukere’ Nigerian dance moves, as Liz watched on. Wondering whether to be envious or congratulatory or confused. She watched in awe how Tom and his friend swung from one side to another, rhythmically tapping one leg on and off the ground. Like it is what they did for a living. She chose to smile and hug her man. It was beautiful!

 And the chaps at Onyx Pictures did a good job montaging the whole function. See for yourself here.



