Even The Rain Did Not Kill Their Happiness-Brian and Doreen’s Introduction.

At the entrance of Doreen’ fathers courtyard parked an indomitable motorcade. Brian and team had come to pay tribute and take the one his heart beat so dearly for Doreen. Amidst uttermost mirth and excitement, they were welcomed and so were their intentions.

Doreen and Brian's introduction totally proved the notion that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. In many a case or by default brides turn the ceremony upside down when nature conspires and falls/rains on their big day. The couple though wasn’t moved or shaken a bit. Doreen did not barge, not for once did she wipe the smile off her rosy cheek face. Every session went according to plan, the very humorous mc engaged the crowd, the stunning well-dressed maiden girls greeted the guest and food was served.

 After the rain had stopped its show, gracing a lace brown mushanana, flanked by an equally jolly and colorful umbrella holding matron, Doreen was given away. Judging from the affirmative looks from both the couple and guests faces everyone seemed to have enjoyed every bit of the occasion and we must admit, despite the downpour the function was a success!

Photo credit: Onyx Pictures Photography Uganda






