NBS TV’s Tendo Tabel a.k.a. Lady Titie Weds Fiance Deo Serunjoji

NBS TV and Radio presenter and singer, Tendo Tabel better known as Lady Titie has wedded her fiancé Deo Serunjoji from Masaka.

In a secret church wedding attended by a chosen few friends and family, Titie and her hubby tied the knot in Masaka. Until photos made it to the social realm, no news or preparations about the wedding was known.

Serunjonji and Titie’s relationship became a public affair after Titie ended her long relationship with Katongole, also a renowned TV presenter. She alleges that Katongole had always cheated on her. Good enough the green light for Titie to move on was after Katongole the former Bukedde TV presenter arrest over – alleged charges of sleeping with an under-age girl two years ago. 

It is known that Serunjoji proposed to Titie on stage during her “Tebyansala” launch, which was held at Theatre Labonita in May 2016. An introduction followed in August that same year before a wedding date was set for this year which has just happened.

Let's look at these memorable photos of these two lovebirds saying I do.







As always congz to you two…we wish you all the best from Mikolo Uganda…



