Made of Money, Lavish wedding as city tycoon’s son weds wife

 “Let’s all rise and welcome the bride”!  Echoed the preacher’s voice prompting the crowd to look back, minds and hands in sync, the crowd went wild as Cynthia and father gracefully walked up the aisle. Amidst loud hand claps and cheers, the overly joyed Cynthia was handed to Solomon who after their wows matched out of all saints cathedral as husband and wife and headed for the reception.

The reception decoration was breathtaking! Adhering to the white, silver and blue theme, accompanied by blue deem lights and the white floral ensemble, it felt like matching a few steps into heaven. Every aspect set, we were welcomed to the reception with a live band, sweet voices and silky sound of every equipment calmed and soothed our every being as we waited for the bride and groom's arrival.

Shortly the beautiful newlyweds arrived, with a well-dressed team of gents clawed in dark blue suits and brown shoes flanked by the maids who wore silver satin embroiled dresses, walked in first as they paved way for Solomon and Cynthia, who later walked in, Solomon in a white and black tuxedo and Cynthia in her bell-shaped pearl and diamond-studded gown, they majestically trotted with a mixture of a million emotions written all over their faces. The site moved many into tears.

Unlike the ordinary, on arrival, the guests were immediately ushered to the serving tables, and after everyone was served and seated there was a massive concert of sorts, many renown artists graced and entertained the star truck audience that failed to hide their excitement. The musicians included Navio, Winnie Nwagi, Geoffrey Lutaya and gospel singer Wilson Bugembe.

To wind up the occasion was a number of speeches then the couples opened up the dance floor and shortly bed the crowds’ farewell as they left for their honeymoon to celebrate their first days as a married couple.

Harris events and one-minute wedding organizers managed the event. Here is the event in pictures.








