10 Wedding Plannings Dos And Don’ts

Wedding planning is a big job, but it shouldn’t be complicated. Although there is no right or wrong way to plan your wedding, there are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind as you in engage in preparations for your big day.

DO plan the wedding you want.

Once people know you’re getting married, there’s a pretty good chance some of those people will want to give you all kinds of advice and suggestions, both solicited and unsolicited. At times, you might feel pressured to do this or that, but remember, it’s your big day, not anybody else’s. It’s perfectly fine to listen to friends, family and well-wishers and keep their ideas in mind, but in the end, you and your fiancé will have the final say. It’s the two of you that matter for as far as that day is concerned.

DON’T forget about your guests.

That being said, don’t forget about keeping your guests happy and content. The people you invite are taking their precious time out of their busy schedules to celebrate your union. As a matter of fact, some might even be spending big bucks in contributions, attires, gifts and transport to attend, so do what you can to entertain, delight them, and send them away feeling grateful that they attended. That’s why if your budget allows you, think about hiring an artist or cultural dancing group to bring that thrilling experience or X-factor to your wedding.

DO find a wedding dress that you love.

One of the best parts of wedding planning is finding the perfect dress. Take your time, try on various types, even those you don’t think will look good on you. You never know. Stay open minded and have fun during the process. The last thing you want is to feel rushed and pick a dress you’re less than happy with or one that doesn’t look so good on you or even feels comfortable either.

DON’T purchase a wedding dress before you book the venue.

Ideally, you’ll want to find your venue before buying the wedding dress. By doing so, you guarantee choosing a dress that fits the atmosphere. It would be a bit awkward to purchase a beachy bohemian dress only to find out later that your reception is going to be an indoor venue at a fancy hotel or ballroom (hall) somewhere.

DO hire a wedding photographer.

One of the number one regrets couples often have in the aftermath of such a special life event is that they didn’t hire a professional wedding photographer. Sure, you may ask a family member or friend to take photos to cut down on costs, but will you be happy with those photos? Will they be photos you’ll place in your wedding album and look at for years to come? A professional photographer, like those listed under www.mikolo.co.ug, have wedding experience, know how to use the light, know what to look for, and how to make everyone look their best. Saving a part of your budget for a photographer is one of the best decisions you’ll make especially for such a once in a lifetime event.

DON’T micro-manage the photographer.

Give your photographer a general idea of the kinds of photos you want and keep it at that. If you give him a huge list of dos and don’ts, you close yourself off to spontaneous shots and candid moments. Plus, photographers usually have a great idea of what will look good and can generate ideas you may not have thought of. So don’t kill their creative mind with your micro-management. The idea is to let your photographer know what you’re looking for, then let them do the magic.

DO keep a budget.

Unless you have unlimited amounts of money, you’ll have to keep a check on your finances and budget accordingly. Make a list of things you absolutely want and things that can be negotiated. Start a spreadsheet on expenses or better, do everything online for easy tracking. Check your account or spreadsheet often and keep track of what you owe and when you owe it. 

DON’T forget the hidden costs.

When creating your budget, don’t forget those hidden and unexpected expenses that might come up. These may include last-minute services, tips, overtime costs, corkage fees, cleanup costs, forgotten items, alterations, unexpected guest costs, transport among others.

DO enjoy the journey.

Of course, you’re excited about the actual wedding day, but remember to enjoy the steps it takes to get there. Cherish your engagement and all the moments between saying yes and I do! 

DON’T sweat the small stuff.

Life isn’t perfect, so hope for the best and plan for the worst. Not everything may necessarily go according to plan, and that’s okay. Go with the flow and don’t let a few hiccups ruin your attitude or your day because they are not worth it.


