Urban T V News Anchor Emily Mwebaze Finally Tied The Knot

Photo credit: Nelly Salvatore Photography 

Forever single Urban TV news Anchor Emily Mwebaze finally tied the knot with her long-time boyfriend. She has been single for all her life. Two weeks back, she tied the knot to yet unidentified man.

In a brief interview with Emily Mwebaze, she admitted the wedding was a top secret, as her ma doesn’t need exposure “He doesn’t want much of the exposure as he loves his privacy. Emily works with Urban TV as a news anchor. She started her career at UBC where she worked for close to three years.

The Civil Wedding

Emily and her husband opted for a civil wedding. It took place at the marriage registrar’s office at Amamu house. Very few family members attended. It was a secret according to Emily because they didn’t want many people.

They later hosted their few invited guests at Kigo Hotel on Entebbe road. However, Emily says soon they are planning another mega church wedding and host most of their friends.

As always Mikolo Community wishes you a happy marriage

More Images are coming soon





