Meet The Parents – Beauty Tips By Eva

So it’s been a long time coming and you’re finally set to meet his parents. How do you make a great first impression? Well, this is the one time where appearances actually matter.

It's important to act the part and equally as important to look it. Finding that balance between being appropriate and being yourself can be tricky.

My advice- you cannot go wrong with a simple, polished look. Here are a few tips to help you get you started….

1. Don’t try a new unfamiliar look.
This is not the time to try on that fuchsia pink lipstick you've been eyeing. Instead if you have a signature look, don’t abandon it because it’s probably the look that you feel most confident in. Think instead about ways that you can alter it for maximum impact.

2. Don't wear too much makeup.
You can use a foundation to even out your skin tone but don't lay it on too thick. Remember that makeup is meant to enhance your natural features, not to cover them up.

3. Use eye shadows with warm earthy hues.
Eye shadows such as golds, browns and bronzes give a mature and sophisticated look. Depending on your skin tone, use the hue that suits you best. Save the dark smokey eye for the night out with the girls. Your partner's parents may be conservative, so play it safe.

Constantly checking a mirror and fussing over your face can ruin the day. Instead Smile and have lots of confidence. Someone once said, a smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.
5.Keep it simple.

Keep your makeup simple and well-executed, and let the focus stay on you and all the wonderfully clever things that come out of your mouth, rather than the colors that you’re wearing on your face.

As always thank you so much for stopping by!



