Allen acquaints Milbert to parents and relatives in a heroic giveaway

In the confines of her parents’ backyard, Allen acquainted her longtime sweetheart Milbert to her family, loved ones and friends. Black and white defined the decoration theme of the event along with multi-coloured clusters of flowers.

Not many things can define beauty but Allen surely makes it to that list. Anyone that has seen her will definitely consider Milbert to be a very lucky guy to have won himself such a hottie.  She is just one of those ladies any man would be tasked to fend off from other suitors.

Allen embraced culture as she clad in different gomesis and some mishanana while her lady killer and his best man wore white Kanzus with black coats along with shades.

The event wasn’t crowded with many people but was rich of entertainment with a group of cultural dancer delivering performances while assorted food and soft drinks were in no short supply.

Hair do and makeup: Vision Bridal Salon
Photography: Vision Image


