How To Make Wedding Planning Less Stressful

By Robert K James

For most couples that have gone through wedding planning without the help of event planners; they say the whole process is cumbersome and stressful beyond imagination. True, the planning process can really be very tough beyond what many imagine it to be.

However, there?s a number of ways a couple can make it less stressful. Most people will advise that you find a wedding planner to help you with everything but not everyone can afford their services while some couples just prefer to have things done by themselves with the help of a few close friends and family members.

First and foremost, as a couple, you must lay out a vision or an imaginary insight into how you would want your event to look like. The quality of services that you would like to have and as you think of that, you must also determine how much you?re going to contribute financially towards the achievement of that sort of vision before thinking about how much friends and family will contribute towards the cause.

Secondly, if you are doing the planning by yourselves, you need to set your expectations and individual responsibilities straight to avoid playing the blame game at some point along the way. Each of you must know their roles to play in this whole process.

Thirdly, you need to make some simple research on different ideas about wedding events. The research can be through consulting planners, couples that have successfully done it before or better visiting websites like


