Qualities to look out for in a good decor service provider

It’s very common that couples choose their wedding venue without making consultations from décor services. When a venue is selected, their expectations are that décor service provider will give it the best look regardless of its topography. However, the ability of making that happen isn’t a quality that all event designers possess.  

It is true that some places suit certain designs and setups, perhaps something a bit different from what a client would have expected, wanted or had in mind in terms of how things should look like.

Nonetheless, any good décor service provider should be in position to advise their client on what’s best to be done at a given venue.

As somebody with vast experience, he or she should be in position to find a balance between what the client wants and what suits the ceremony best. It may not be exactly what you want as a client but they will advise you accordingly and give you the second best alternative.

They shouldn’t be too cheap. As well know, quality comes at a price. Be keen of service providers who are willing to work for small amounts of money because at the end of it all, it is you that will suffer the disappointment. Therefore, the cost of a décor service provider may slight be out of your comfort zone or estimated cost but that’s what it takes to get something unique.

Lastly, they should be time conscious. Most couples that don’t use event planners to help them with the mobilization of actives on their big day often suffer the consequences of dealing with irresponsible service providers who want to do things late and end up distorting your whole program.

However, if you employ an event planner to help on the organisation, such things of time management by service providers will be the least of your worries.



