The Gazebo, A Must Have New Invention At Your Giveaway Ceremony

Tips by : Rossy Roots Events

Modern trends that keep on sweeping through human culture have extended their waves to traditional marriages ceremonies commonly known as the ‘kwanjula’ (giveaway/introduction).

Usually, when the ‘mugoole’ (bride) comes out of the house in the accompaniment of her marital aunt and the matron, she is brought to center point of the venue that is often well carpeted with mats for her to sit and greet the invited guests.

 Well, that’s the norm at least we are all accustomed to but deco service providers seem to have changed or spiced up that small tradition. Perhaps reinvented is a better word to describe it rather than change.

They have come up with a small area called the Gazebo. The Gazebo is a small and slightly raised shade platform set for the bride along with her matron and aunt to come and officially welcome her guests home.

This small well setup and spectacularly decorated area prevents the bride from having to sit under the scorching sun on a shiny day or a fall on a rainy afternoon. 

Therefore, any perfect deco service provider who is well versed with the modern trends of such events should know that a gazebo is a must have at a giveaway. If they don’t know it, now you know it. You should ask them to set it up for you.

See Photos below;


