7 Ways To Announce Your Engagement To Your Family

Now that you’ve said yes to the person of your dreams, it’s time to start telling the other loves in your life—mom, dad, brother, sister, best friends, and the entire crew. Instead of doing the same old phone calls and texts, try one of these unique ideas!

First to Hear: Face to Face

In most cases, your parents should be the first people to know the happy news. When telling your parents, it’s essential that you do it in person if possible. They’re going to want to hug you, see the ring, and probably shed a few happy tears. Grab some flowers before you head over, and don’t say anything. Test their observational skills and see if they catch sight of the new jewelry on your telling ring finger. While not the most creative, this is definitely the most respectful route. If this is a second marriage for either party and there are children involved, they should be the first to hear your wonderful news.

A Coffee Cup Tell

Want to really try out the subtle tell and see how quickly your loved ones catch on? Head to Starbucks and ask for a specific title written on the cup. Perhaps “Future Mrs. [name here]”? When you arrive at your family or friends’ homes, lay the cup in easy view. Their eye will automatically be drawn to the writing and you’ll have the perfect vantage point to take in the moment they realize what it says.

Go Old School

Few of us receive newspapers these days, but chances are your parents still might. Put an engagement announcement in your local newspaper, and head over the morning you know it will be printed. Even if your parents or other loved ones don’t receive the newspaper, you can still present a copy to them and ask them to flip to the correct page. Once they come across your picture with your new fiancé, you’ll know—their faces will say it all. This idea is also sweet because you’ll have a memento many couple s these days seem to forgo.

For Your Dad

If you’re looking for sweet ways to tell your dad you’re engaged (assuming your groom-to-be didn’t go the traditional route of asking for your hand) then this idea is sure to get pop’s eyes watering. In a card, write the words, “Will you take a very important walk with me?” and have your ring finger on display when he looks back up at you in confusion. As his traditional role to give you away at the wedding comes into mind, the pieces will fall into place.

Some Sweet Treats to Celebrate

If you’d like to tell your friends or family in person in a unique way, get some handcrafted cookies ordered or don that apron and make them yourself. You can do something as simple as the words “I said yes!” or even a frosting drawing of a wedding ring. Present the box to your friends or family and tell them to open it for a sweet treat.

A Specially Marked Calendar

Take your own spin on the normal save the dates and buy a calendar for your loved one. On the planned wedding date (assuming you’ve already chatted about it) block out the date and write “Our Wedding”. It may take them a bit to scroll through all of the pages, but once they get there, the puzzle pieces will fall together immediately. You can have the calendar specially made at Shutterfly for a personal touch that you know they will love—and actually get use from!

Let Kids in On the Fun

If you have kids from a previous marriage, let them be a part of the announcement fun. As mentioned earlier, your children should be the first ones to know about this big life change. After they’ve become accustomed to the idea, they may be raring to help you tell the rest of your loved ones. If you have a little girl, print a shirt for her that reads “Flower Girl Est. 2016 (or the year of your planned ceremony)”. For a little dapper fellow, decorate his shirt with “The Handsomest Ring Bearer Ever”. Wait for family and friends to take in these unique wardrobe picks and trust that the questioning looks and gasps will start rolling in.


