20 Easy Ways to Lose Weight & Feel Great -PART 2

Here we continue reading  . . .

Call in the experts

13. Hire a personal trainer. If you want to lose weight and need a boost of added motivation a personal trainer will design a fitness programme specifically for you and ensure you work to the top of your ability. Find a female trainer if you feel more comfortable with a woman and you can also ask them for advice on nutrition too. A good personal trainer is worth every penny, I promise you. Results are guaranteed.

14. Book into a Boot Camp. If you’d prefer be part of a group and like the idea of strict army-style discipline, enrol in a boot camp. You could make new friends at the same time who could become future ‘gym buddies’. If that sounds too terrifying, for an alternative new-age style boot camp try Mrs. Mojo’s Online Bootcamp for Your Mind and Body.


Get in shape together

15. Involve your partner. Getting fit and healthy with your partner will bond you even closer. Taking up a fitness regime as a couple and learning to cook delicious healthy meals could even improve your relationship as it will give you a shared interest as well as a positive goal. If your partner isn’t interested and you don’t want to start on your own then ask a friend.

16. Make love more often. Having sex burns calories, reduces stress and brings you closer; it’s an act of love and a whole lot more enjoyable than lifting weights or running on a treadmill.

Keep calm

17. Feel good. Exercise makes you feel good, it’s a fact. Exercising releases ‘dopamine’ in our brain naturally increasing feelings of pleasure and happiness. You will start to notice the natural high you get after exercising and look forward to regular exercise for the way it makes you feel, not just how it makes you look.

18. Meditate. Take up a yoga class or buy a yoga mat and go barefoot in your living room in front of a yoga DVD or Wii Fit. Yoga and meditation calms your mind as it tones your body and the practice of yoga reminds us to take time out from our busy lifestyles for ourselves.

19. Relax. Book a one or two-day spa trip with your partner, friends or family. Enjoy a long swim in the pool before having a relaxing massage, facial or manicure. If you can’t afford a full-price spa day then look for last minute deals or create your own oasis at home.

Look ahead

20. Think of your loved ones. See health and fitness as a lifestyle change for their long-term good, and not just your own. Embrace healthy eating alongside regular exercise to ensure you’ll be around to play with your grandchildren when you are older. Now’s the time to give up smoking too. Don’t see it as giving up, see it as starting a newer and more positive lifestyle for the future.

And finally…

If you’ve wanted to lose weight for a while and you’re now planning your wedding, use your big day as the catalyst. You’ll never be more motivated than now, you even have an end date to work to. Just think how you would like to appear in your wedding photos and there’s your goal. If you don’t need to lose any weight you can still use some of these ideas for general wellbeing.



