5 Photographic Moments You Need To Get On Camera

Well done – you’ve booked your wedding photographer. Easy, right? Wrong. Booking a photographer is the simple part. The hard part is briefing your chosen photographer on the kind of photos you’re hoping to achieve on your big day. Photographers are artists, and artists tend to have their own vision.

If their vision coincides with yours, that’s great. But often what you and your fiancé are looking for may differ slightly with your photographer’s natural style. Therefore, it’s important to meet with your photographer before your wedding so you can lay out your wishes on the table, discuss them, and then wait for your wedding day impatiently so you can see your dreams turn into reality.

If you are the kind of bride who is very clear on what you want, this process will come naturally to you. However, if you do feel you need a little photographic guidance, we’ve compiled a list of 5 essential moments where your photographer should be present and poised, ready to snap.

At the very least, present your photographer with this list, and you’ll get all best photo opportunities on camera. Here they are:

The flower girls Whether you like kids or not, you’ve got to admit that dressed up in big, pouffy dresses and adorned with flowers, these little girls make a pretty picture. These little princesses warrant a few candid shots, especially as they walk down the aisle dropping rose petals. Can you getmore angelic than that?


The exchange of vows and rings This part of the wedding may be one of the most serious moments, but it is also the   one where your marriage will become official. A few decent shots of the exchange of vows and rings will cement those memories in place for years to come, and when you look back on those moments you’ll be transported back in time to one of the most monumental times in your life

The first kiss “I now pronounce you husband and – smooch! However cheesy or clichéd this may seem, capturing the first kiss you share as a married couple is pretty much the number one rule of wedding photography. It’s a special moment and one that deserves a mention. (Cue: collective audience Awww.)

The family dance We didn’t choose them, but they are a part of our identity, so we may as well embrace them. Whether you’re on good terms with your family or not, a wedding is a time to accept family for who they are, flaws and all.

So get your merry on, grab your family in a group hug and dance like crazy. Just make sure your photographer is aware of this once-in-a-lifetime moment of family closeness!


The bouquet throw One of the most comical moments of a wedding is the bouquet throw. It may be a silly ritual, but boy does it make for some great shots! Alert your photographer when the throw is about to take place, and get ready to laugh in glee when you see the shots in print. That brings us to the end of our little list.

Of course, feel free to add to it as much as you like. One final thing to remember: your photographer is there to capture your entire wedding. All you have to do is be the bride for the day. So try to forget that your photographer is even there, and get ready to relive the day, detail by detail, when you see the proofs. Bliss!


