Makeup Mistakes Black Women Should Avoid

Are you putting your best face forward? Or are you making one of these five makeup mistakes? Check it out!

The Eyes

1. Heavy Metal on the Eyelids

If you’re 40 and under, wear the gold and silver as much as you like. If your eyelids begin to lose elasticity, the glittery shades will magnify the creases. The result is that the glitter will settle in the creases and will age your eyes, instead of enhance them. Try vibrant colors in the matte eye shadows, adds Chicago-area makeup artist Jamese.

Jamese adds that now is the time to take your fall colors into spring: “Go from darker colors to more vibrant, bright, colors,” she tells rolling out. “Women of color can wear a variety of colors; we just have to find the correct shades for our skin tones.”

2. Heavy Eyeliner on the bottom lid. 

You want the dramatic eye effect, and nothing brings out your brown eyes like that kohl black liner on the bottom, right? Wrong. Heavy liner on the bottom lid will drag down the eye and makes you appear tired. You want uplift, so apply the eyeliner to the top lid, and outer corner of the eye.


3. Bald brows.

 Are you a nice person, but your over-plucked eyebrows make you appear angry? “Your eyebrows are 75 percent of your face,” says Atlanta beauty expert Shalawn of Lamik Beauty. “I suggest the Lamik Brow Brush, a flat angled brush to define the brows, Purdy Brow Define Powder, and brightening crème to give them a fresh look.” Step one: start at the center of the brow and apply brow powder (or sharpened eyebrow pencil) in short, feathery strokes. Outline top and inner brow with brightening crème. Whatever you do, refrain from plucking your brows bare, some hairs may never grow back.

4. Spider Eyelashes. 

Unless it’s Halloween, do not keep your fake lashes long after they’ve crinkled or curled in unnatural ways. Sure, we know that you were promised the lashes would last a month, but if your mirror says otherwise, please remove them. Also, waterproof mascara may make natural lashes dry and that can make them thin and brittle. Ask your makeup artist for gentle mascara that will amplify your lashes without drying them out.

5. Layering your foundation.

“Adding extra layers of foundation will only make your skin problems more apparent, according to experts. A great look begins with great skin,” says Chicago celebrity makeup artist Shoenice.

To achieve that dewy, glowing look at home, exfoliate your skin.

“A quick, cheap, and easy way to exfoliate is to put a teaspoon of sugar into whatever soap you’re using on your face,” Shoenice advises. “The glucose in sugar is a natural exfoliator, it’s not gritty and grainy and it won’t tear you skin. Use this method three times a week, and I assure you that you will get the glow naturally.” Moisturizer is also a necessity, even if you have oily skin.  “Keep your skin moisturized and you can find a great lightweight moisturizer by Aveda that any woman can use,” Shoenice adds. “But these products won’t look great if you don’t take care of your skin first.”


