How To Keep The Flower Girl And Page Boy Happy

If you are looking for sweet smiles, innocent looks and uninhibited laughs, there is nowhere else to look but at the flower girl and page boy. Because of this, these two or at least one of them have found their way to most bridal entourages.

But these little angles also come with some trouble. They are quite unpredictable and have the potential to mess up an otherwise great function. Imagine if one or them wails through the vows or decides to fall into the pool at you perfect poolside wedding!

So as we pick these little ones, we should remember what makes them happy is quite different from what makes adults happy. Below are some tips on how to keep the little ones happy at your wedding.

1. Get familiar

Meet the children before the wedding day to gain their trust. Once you win their trust, they will easily listen to and follow instructions on the D- day.

2. Get comfortable wear

For children, comfort comes first. If the shoes are ill-fitting, the little one will definitely take them off. And you don?t want to dress a young girl in high heeled shoes. Simple fashionable ballet shoes are usually a safe choice.

